Thursday, January 26, 2012

National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers and Students Blog #2

When I read the different technology standards for both students and teachers,

I gave it some good thought, and upon reflection I know our district is a very small district with only one school, but we do ok with what we have.  There is a very little budget.  Adding technology and updating our computer lab and carts has been able to be maintained.  We have the trickle down technology approach in my school.  The highest grades get the Smartboards and Laptop carts.  I instruct my class in one regularly scheduled 40 min. computer lab session. My classroom has 4 computers in it, which we use on a daily basis. We do not have a Smartboard or access to the cart. I think if we had funding allowing all grades would be able to benefit from technology. 

My students create, explore, research, problem solve, and have learned the basic operations and concepts with regards to the technology that they are afforded.  At times, I have felt that I’m behind the times with not having access to Smartboards, ipads or Livestreaming, but I do promote the use of the computer from home and within the classroom.  Several colleagues offer technology workshops which early on I participated in.  Time has been an issue lately, but I know there is a Voki one coming up soon. I think my class would love to create their own Voki, so I plan to attend if it does not interfere with class.

Can anyone tell me how I would write an application for a possible grant?  How hard is the application process?  Are there resources that may be available to schools with limited to low funding?  I heard of a donor website for teachers, does anyone know the URL?  Thanks!

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