Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Following Ms. Dunsiger Blog

When visiting Aviva Dunsiger Wiki I happened upon an interesting tool.  It's called Gamestar Mechanic.  This is the pdf for Gamestar Mechanic.  It seems to be an excellent way to engage the students who are always completing assignments before others.  I will not simply give extra work because they're done early.  It's important that students don't get bored with learning.  This digital tool allows students to problem solve using 21st century skills through designing their own video game.  They share their video and then collect feedback.  Is this something that you would use in your classroom?  It's geared for 4th graders through 9th graders.  Do you think it could be used for Enrichment for my advanced third graders?  This video explains Gamestar, take a look at let me know if you like it or have used it before.  


  1. Thanks for your blog post! My Grade 1's and 2's are using it now. They're really good at it. They're working their way through the workshop and completing games with procedures too. This is our TLCP focus for the students right now. I think this is definitely doable for third graders.


  2. Excellent! I can't wait to show this to my class. What a great tool. I'm looking forward to our Skype tomorrow. I have so much to learn. When I see your Wiki & blog I am inspired...but also intimidated! How long have you been incorporating Technology to this degree in your classroom?

  3. Thanks for your reply, Michelle! I'm glad you're going to use this with your class. As for me, I've used computers in the classroom for probably all 11 years that I've been teaching, but I only started using Web 2.0 tools and social media 2 1/2 years ago. This is when I joined Twitter as well. The learning curve for me has been steep, but fast. My suggestion is to do what you're comfortable with doing. Start small and build from there. Worry less about the tool and more about how these tools support good pedagogy and increase learning for your students. Hope this helps!

