Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Wikispaces Tutorial

         Wikispace Video
         When I watched the Wikispace tutorial video on how to change the look and feel of a Wiki I learned that the organizer of the Wiki has many options. They can change settings easily so all users can have a single wiki look.  The site wide theme & colors would look the same.  For younger users this may be helpful because the continuity would make it easier to navigate.  I like how organizers can adjust the setting to allow the freedom to choose color and theme.   It is a reflection of the wiki creator.  Teachers that teach multiple classes like Middle School or High School teachers may find organizing Wikis by their look & feel helpful.  I would love each student to be able to create a personalized Wiki.  Any chance you can get a student to take ownership of their learning, they put more effort into each project and lesson. What are your thoughts about using a unified look and feel of a wiki to organize or create consistency for students? or Should students be allowed to create their own look and feel? 


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